Monday, February 27, 2017

Weather Ups and Downs

Hello Interweb friends!
It seems Mom has been slacking again.
I kept reminding her to help me with my blog,
but she just wouldn't get it done in a timely fashion.

So, what have I been up to? 
I'll tell you.
I think that the worst of winter has passed.
So I got to get out of the house a couple of times
and went on Caturday outings.

I didn't always sit the right way around in the car,
but there's just too much to see in all directions!

I always start off with some loud opinions.

Then I start to get into the swing of things.

Eventually I have to give in and admit that I enjoy it.
I hate admitting that I enjoy things.
It sort of damages my reputation as a discontented cat.

So it's times like this when I really have to 
reassure my fandom that I am generally, and most often, in
a state of discontentment.

Especially when Mom snaps those embarrassing photos
of me with my tongue sticking out!

As Caturday rolls on, I settle in quite nicely.

If you follow my Google+ or Instagram, you'll know
that I got to go into stores and either wander around
or ride in my traveling bag.

This is my traveling bag:

This is what Mom put on it:

People often don't know how to react to a cat out in the world.
Sometimes they'll read the bag and say, "But there's not really
a cat in there, right?"
Some people are so thrown off by a cat on a leash that their brain
stops working outright.
I can't tell you how many people can't figure out if I'm a cat or a dog!
Rude, people! Rude!
Just this last Caturday Mom, Daddy and I were approaching the Nip and Food Store.
Mom, seeing that there were a lot a dogs around, held me in her arms.
Then, this lady said to her, "What a beautiful dog!"
How does one respond to that?
It's been suggested that I should have hissed at her.
Mom said, "He's a cat, that's why he's so beautiful."
The lady looked super offended!

But I digress.
By the time night rolls around, I'm ready to head home.


After all, home has filtered fish flavored water.

It has warm human laps with blankets.

Unfortunately, just when I think springtime might actually be snows again.

Then I have to sit around and wait.

I try to occupy myself with play.

Then, the rain comes.
If I'm really lucky, a little sunshine comes too.
The snow begins to melt away.

I actually get to shed a little of my cabin fever and enjoy the patio.

I get to venture out to the wonderful vole hunting grounds!

I know he's in there.
I can see the tasty plant moving.

I just can't quite get that golden opportunity to arise.

I even went to check if Felix was home...
only to have Mom remind me that he moved away.

I returned home a little sad; Mom shared in my sadness.

Then it came back.
The horrid snow.

So I would curl up and mope again.

Then the days would warm up again and I'd venture outside.

Have I mentioned that I really hate crossing the wet or icy grass?
Well I do.

Once in awhile I find a good bit of tasty plant to munch on.

Which brings me to today.
27 February 2017.
It was nice enough that I thought spring was finally here!
I even gave into my springtime urge to roll on the sidewalk!

Sure, the weather hadn't really been all that consistent.
The fountain is still frozen and now there's graupel on the ground.
(If you don't know what that is, it's like soft hail.  It feels like 
stupid little styrofoam balls that have no business falling from the sky.)

I had no luck vole hunting.

Then, Tornado Girl came over.
She hasn't been over in forever.
I was actually happy to see her!
Then I remembered that, unlike Mom, I'm not supposed to like teenagers.
It's a cat thing.
So I hissed at her.

Which brings me to tonight.
Guess what.
That's right.
It's snowing again.

So I've returned to my Pillow of Rebellion.
(If you don't know, it really is pillow of rebellion.  It has
the Star Wars Rebel insignia on it and everything! It's so me.)

I shall remain true to my discontented self.
I shall mope until springtime is truly here and Mom let's 
me go outside for hours on end to hunt voles.
Then, when I am made to go back inside, I shall be unhappy.
That's just how I roll.


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